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Journal of Operator Theory

Volume 6, Issue 2, Fall 1981

On the properties of abstract rational (1-point) approximants
Annie A. M. Cuyt
J. Operator Theory pp. 195-216
Abstract, references and article information
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Weak compactness in Banach lattices
Constantin P. Niculescu
J. Operator Theory pp. 217-231
Abstract, references and article information
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Theorems on almost everywhere convergence in von Neumann algebras. (Russian)
M. Sh. Goldstein
J. Operator Theory pp. 233-311
Abstract, references and article information
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Point interactions as limits of short range interactions
Sergio Albeverio and Raphael Hoegh-Krohn
J. Operator Theory pp. 313-339
Abstract, references and article information
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The invariant subspaces of a Volterra operator
Jose Barria
J. Operator Theory pp. 341-349
Abstract, references and article information
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The product of spectral measures
W. Ricker
J. Operator Theory pp. 351-361
Abstract, references and article information
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Stone-Weierstrass theorem for separable C*-algebras
Joel Anderson and John W. Bunce
J. Operator Theory pp. 363-374
Abstract, references and article information
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Finitely connected domains G, representations of $H^\infty(G)$, and invariant subspaces
B. Chevreau , C. M. Pearcy and A. L. Shields
J. Operator Theory pp. 375-405
Abstract, references and article information
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Addenda to: "The Birman-Krein-Vishik theory of self-adjoint extensions of semibounded operators", J. Operator Theory, 4(1980), 251-270
A. Alonzo and B. Simon
J. Operator Theory pp. 407-407
Abstract, references and article information
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