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Journal of Operator Theory

Volume 43, Issue 1, Winter 2000

Canonical subrelations of ergodic equivalence relations-subrelations
Toshihiro Hamachi
J. Operator Theory pp. 3-34
Abstract, references and article information
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Affine Temperley-Lieb algebras
Sante Gnerre
J. Operator Theory pp. 35-42
Abstract, references and article information
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Completely and alternatingly hyperexpansive operators
V.M. Sholapurkar , and Ameer Athavale
J. Operator Theory pp. 43-68
Abstract, references and article information
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Cohomology and extensions of Hypo-Şilov modules over unit modulus algebras
Xiaoman Chen , and Kunyu Guo
J. Operator Theory pp. 69-81
Abstract, references and article information
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On the punctured neighbourhood theorem
Vladimir Muller
J. Operator Theory pp. 83-95
Abstract, references and article information
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Pure states on $\scriptstyle {\cal O}_{d}$
O. Bratteli , P.E.T. Jorgensen , A. Kishimoto , and R.F. Werner
J. Operator Theory pp. 97-143
Abstract, references and article information
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Inverse spectral theory: nowhere dense singular continuous spectra and Hausdorff dimension of spectra
J.F. Brasche
J. Operator Theory pp. 145-169
Abstract, references and article information
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The method of limit operators for one-dimensional singular integrals with slowly oscillating data
A. Bottcher , Yu.I. Karlovich , and V.S. Rabinovich
J. Operator Theory pp. 171-198
Abstract, references and article information
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On the commutant of the direct sum of operators of multiplication by the independent variable
B. Khani Robati , and K. Seddighi
J. Operator Theory pp. 199-210
Abstract, references and article information
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