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Journal of Operator Theory

Volume 83, Issue 1, Winter 2020

Spectra of weighted composition operators induced by automorphisms
Yong-Xin Gao , Ze-Hua Zhou
J. Operator Theory pp. 3-26
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Nonsurjective maps between rectangular matrix spaces preserving disjointness, triple products, or norms
Chi-Kwong Li , Mimg-Cheng Tsai , Ya-Shu Wang , Ngai-Ching Wong
J. Operator Theory pp. 27-53
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Dynamical systems and operator algebras associated to Artin's representation of braid groups
Tron Omland
J. Operator Theory pp. 55-72
Abstract, references and article information
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Phase transitions on $C^*$-algebras arising from number fields and the generalized Furstenberg conjecture
Marcelo Laca , Jacqueline M. Warren
J. Operator Theory pp. 73-93
Abstract, references and article information
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Simplicity criteria for étale groupoid $C^*$-algebras
Danny Crytser , Gabriel Nagy
J. Operator Theory pp. 95-138
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A program for finding all KMS states on the Toeplitz algebra of a higher-rank graph
James Fletcher , Astrid an Huef , Iain Raeburn
J. Operator Theory pp. 139-177
Abstract, references and article information
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Spectral characterization of Jordan--Segal isomorphisms of quantum observables
Lajos Molnár
J. Operator Theory pp. 179-195
Abstract, references and article information
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A few observations on Weaver's quantum relations
Adrián M. González-Pérez
J. Operator Theory pp. 197-228
Abstract, references and article information
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Simultaneous extension of two bounded operators between Hilbert spaces
Marko S. Djikić , Jovana Nikolov Radenković
J. Operator Theory pp. 229-250
Abstract, references and article information
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